Charles A. Judge Memorial Stand Down

Craig Burnette, one of the Stand Down leaders, is shown, speaking at the Stand Down.
On Friday, March 15, community members and Stand Down leaders gathered at the USC Upstate University Readiness Center to provide a day of free services and resources to homeless veterans, veterans at risk of homelessness, and any veteran in need, as they defined their need.
About the Stand Down
The annual event is planned in honor and memory of Charles A. Judge Jr., an outstanding hero and native of Landrum, SC. Charles served for 21 years in the SC National Guard, which included a tour of duty in Iraq. The National Guard awarded him the Army Achievement Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Overseas Service Ribbon, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal with Campaign Star, Parachutist Badge, and Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters. He was very active in Spartanburg and its contiguous counties, as he served as the Logistics Coordinator of four past Stand Down events. His passion and covenant to the Stand Down was relentless. He was a key leader in the growing number of veterans they served each year and the outstanding outcomes resulted from his diligent work. He sought every opportunity for improvement and expansion at this event. One of the main goals was to make life better and brighter for each and every veteran he encountered.
On July 24, 2016, Charles was tragically killed, as he nobly defended a young woman, who was escaping a violent situation. He sacrificed his life to fulfill his ultimate duty to serve and protect. The 2019 Stand Down was a fitting tribute to his undeniable valor, true heroism, and his life’s service to all veterans. For more information, visit the Stand Down’s website at

Charles’s memorial at the Stand Down.

A full house at the USC Upstate Readiness Center for the Stand Down!

Community members donate their services to homeless veterans and veterans in need.