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Upstate Veterans Alliance Network (UVAN)

Upstate Veterans Alliance Network (UVAN) is a collaboration of 100 community organizations across 11 counties of Upstate South Carolina. In coordination with the South Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs, we are dedicated to creating stability in all aspects of the lives of the veterans and family members that we serve. As a grateful community, we owe them no less.

As one of four Community Veteran Engagement Boards (CVEB) in the state, UVAN brings local veteran providers together with VA leadership. Together, we help the VA have a “boots on the ground” perspective at the local level.

State Regional Veteran Coalition Map

Steering Committee

The UVAN Steering Committee promotes and supports opportunities to benefit veterans and the community by focusing on issues surrounding all areas regarding veterans’ quality of life: health and wellness, basic needs assistance, educational and vocational training, employment, and continued support. The committee also initiates veteran-service events for partners to participate in and works to develop and maintain a comprehensive veteran resource directory.

View the latest Steering Committee List here.


UVAN hosts quarterly at-large member meetings. These meetings are open to all UVAN partners, service providers, veterans, and other interested parties. Our annual meeting schedule:

  • Spring: Legislative Update 
  • Summer: Mental Health Summit
  • Fall: Networking Event
  • Winter: Panel Discussion (veteran-related topic)

How to Get Involved

If you are a representative of a veteran-related organization and would like to join UVAN, please complete and return this partner form and we will follow up with you.

Contact UVAN

For more information, please email: For updates, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X.

To learn more about Community Veterans Engagement Boards, click here.