To see Charlie Hall’s Official UWS bio, click here.
Degree: Bachelor of Science; Environmental Science
School: United States Military Academy at West Point
Military Service: U.S. Army 1996-2002, U.S. Marine Corps 2002-Present
Deployments: Iraq from 2004 to 2005
Other Experience: Harper Construction 2006-2009, USMC Wounded Warrior Regiment 2009-2014
Dream Dinner Guest: C.S. Lewis
Degree: M.Ed. Community Agency Counseling
School: Clemson University
Professional Affiliations: Commissioner-Greenville County Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Leadership Greenville Class #44 Graduate
Licenses or Certifications: Nationally Certified Counselor #80400
First Responder Service: Police Officer- Greenville Police Department, 1997-2013
Favorite Quote: “In Valor there is hope.” – Tacitus
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
School: Southern Wesleyan University
Professional Affiliations: Upstate Veteran Business Network
Military Service: U.S. Marine Corps, 2005-2012
Deployments: Iraq and Afghanistan
Other Experience: Mission Continues Fellow, Leadership Simpsonville, Opportunity Greenville, Military Order of the Purple Heart
Dream Dinner Guest: My Granddad, WWII Army veteran
Degree: Bachelor of Social Work & Master of Social Work
School: Limestone University and Boise State University
Military Service: U.S. Marine Corps from 2001-09
Deployments: Iraq in 2003, 2004, and 2005
Other Experience: The Mission Continues Fellowship
Dream Dinner Guest: My Father
Degree: Bachelor of Science, Sustainability Sciences; Bachelor of Science, Urban Studies; Pursuing Master of Science, Nonprofit Administration
School: Furman University and Louisiana State University
Professional Affiliations: Member of The Rotary Club of Greenville; Member of Habitat for Humanity’s Greenville Young Professionals;
Board Member of Friends of the Reedy River
Other Experience: AmeriCorps VISTA with United Way of Greenville County
Favorite Quote: “You never fail until you stop trying.” – Albert Einstein
Degree: Bachelor of Science | Mass Communications
School: Greenville Technical College & USC Upstate
Professional Affiliations: Rotary Club of Greenville
Special Training or Experience: AmeriCorps VISTA, 2019-2020
Favorite Quote: “Never, never, never give up.” – Winston Churchill
Degree: Associates in Arts; Early Childhood Electives
School: Spartanburg Community College and USC Upstate
Professional Affiliations: Spartanburg Community Action Board, Homeless Taskforce, Behavioral Health Taskforce, Safety Net Member
Licenses or Certifications: Suicide Intervention/Prevention, Mental Health First Aid
Favorite Quote: “Thy will be done.”
Degree: Bachelors in Psychology
School: Columbia College
Military/First Responder experience: U.S. Army, 1998-2019 | Five combat deployments in GWOT Campaign
Other relevant internships, fellowships, or work experience: Substitute teacher for Greenville County School District
Dream dinner guest: Gary Sinise or George W. Bush
Degree: Bachelor of Arts Arabic Language and Culture
School: California University of Pennsylvania
Military experience: U.S. Army, 1999-2022 | Infantryman in the special operations community
Favorite quote: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right” –Henry Ford
Dream dinner guest: George Washington
Military experience: U.S. Army | 1995-2021 | Ret. Sergeant Major
Favorite quote: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” – Helen Keller
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
School: University of South Carolina Upstate
Military Service: U.S. Marine Corps from 2006-2010
Law Enforcement: State Probation 2018-2023
Dream Dinner Guest: My Father
Professional Affiliations: Greenville Society for Human Resource Management (GSHRM)
Military Service: SC Army National Guard, 25 years
First Responder Service: Firefighter
Other Experience: UWS Fellowship Graduate, 2019
Dream Dinner Guest: Gary Sinise
Degree: BA History, MBA Analytics
School: Rhodes College (2008) & Clemson University (2020)
Professional affiliations: PNC, SEAL Future Foundation
Licenses or certifications: Master Training Specialist, service dog handler
Military experience: U.S. Navy, 2009-2017 | Enlisted SEAL
Special training or experience: Security awareness training practitioner, business technology consultant
Favorite quote: “When you pray, move your feet”; “The only easy day was yesterday.”
Degree: Bachelor of Science; Business/Healthcare Management
School: Brown Mackie & Penn Foster
Military Service: Spouse of Retired USMC (22yrs service)
Favorite Quote: “Let all you do be done with love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14 NKJV)
Degree: Criminal Justice
School: CCAF & SUNY Buffalo State
Professional Affiliations: USAF Sergeants Association, Korn Ferry Leadership Course
Military Service: 20 years (Ret.) U.S. Air Force Security Forces
Deployments: Kyrgyzstan; Afghanistan; Al Dhafra
First Responder Service: 5 years, Law Enforcement Officer
Favorite Quote: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Degree: Bachelor of Science; Sales and Meeting Management
School: Johnson and Wales University
Professional Affiliations: NAMI, Mentor with JUMPSTART (Transforming the lives of prisoners from the inside out), and Victim’s Advocate with Julie Valentine Center.
Licenses & Certifications: VSP (Victims Survivor Course) SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Licensure in Progress; NAMI Teacher Certification Family to Family; Justice for Vets Training Certificate; Mental Health First Aid Certification; Certificates in Home Inspection, OSHA and English as a Second Language
Other Experience: Started with UWS as a Volunteer in 2018, Case Management in Corporate Law
Favorite Quote: “It’s the notion of being part of something bigger than yourself and of making the people around you better,” she said. “In our daily struggles to advance within an organization, we sometimes forget that it’s actually more about the organization and the people that are around us. And to make them better makes the organization better.” – General Lori Robinson, a Servant Leader
Military Experience: U.S. Navy (Ret.) – Active: 1994-1998; Reserve: 2001-2018
First Responder Experience: South Carolina Highway Patrol (Ret.) 1999-2023
Favorite Quote: “When you feel like quitting think about why you started.”
Degree: BS in Business Administration, Marketing/Management
School: University of South Carolina
Favorite Quote: “People will forget what you said; people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
Degree: (in progress) Bachelor’s of Psychology
School: Southern New Hampshire University
Military Service: U.S. Air Force, 2016-2024
Other Experience: Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Advocate
Favorite Quote: “If being hard on yourself worked, it would have worked by now.”
Degree: Master of Divinity
School: University of Idaho; Biblical Theological Seminary
Professional Affiliations: Evangelical Church Alliance
Military Service: U.S. Army (Ret.), Chaplain
Favorite Quote: “Let the greatest among you become as the least, and the leader as one who serves.” – Luke 22:26
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration
School: Furman University
Professional Affiliations: Materials Management Society of the American Hospital Association
Military Service: U.S. Air Force 1967-1971
Deployments: Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, 1967-1971
Other Experience: Supply Chain Management and Procurement in Industry and Healthcare
Favorite Quote: “Don’t take yourself too seriously.”
Degree: Industrial Electronics Technology Apprenticeship & Certificate
School: Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College
Professional Affiliations: U.S. Army Ordnance Association & U.S. Army Engineer Association
Licenses or Certifications: Journeymen – Industrial Electronics Technician, Advanced Power BI & DAX – Enterprise DNA
Military Service: U.S. Army, 1986-2024 | Chief Warrant Officer Five, Ordnance
Other Experience: DoD SkillBridge participant with UWS Employment Team
Favorite Quote:“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Charlie Chaplin
Degree: Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice
School: Saint Leo University
Professional Affiliations: National Verbatim Reporters Association
Licenses or Certifications: Certified Verbatim Reporter (CVR)
Military Service: U.S. Marine Corps, 2005-2017
Other Experience: U.S. Marine Corps Family Program Lead for the 2019-2022 Warrior Games and the 2020 Invictus Games.
Favorite Quote: “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for in doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:3
Degree: M.S. Business Administration
School: Columbia Southern University
Military Service: U.S. Army , 1989-2014
Degree: Bachelor of Arts; Theatre/Literature
School: Point Loma Nazarene University
Licenses or Certifications: California secondary level teaching credential and ESL certification
Military Service: Wife of a U.S. Navy veteran
Other Experience: Church youth group leader, teacher, administrator and movie reviewer
Dream Dinner Guest: G.K. Chesterton
Degree: B.S. Physician Assisting (MUSC), B.S. Psychology, & B.A. Biology (OBU)
College: MUSC & Ouachita Baptist University
Professional Affiliations: Military Officers Association of America
Licenses: Physician Assistant (lapsed)
Military & First Responder Service: CPT, MSC, Army National Guard (AR, VT, and SC) / EMT-P Dorchester County
Other Relevant Experience: Daughters of the Revolution | Chaplain
Degree: Bachelors of Arts in Psychology, Masters of Social Work (2025)
School: Grand Canyon University
Military/First Responder Experience: South Carolina Army National Guard
Dream Dinner Guest: Taylor Swift
Degree: Bachelors in Elementary Education
School: Converse College
Military/First Responder experience: Spouse of a 21-year Army retiree.
Other relevant experience: Served as the FRG (Family Readiness Group) leader during my husband’s years in the Army. I started as platoon leader and moved to company leader and eventually battalion leader. I attended many training sessions of FRG protocol. I also made sure that all of my spouses felt important, connected, and heard.
Dream dinner guest: My grandmother, Barbara Pangle.
School: DeSales University, Southern New Hampshire University, Liberty University.
Military Service: Marine Corps
Deployments: Afghanistan – 2010
Dream Dinner Guest: Bea Arthur