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Resources from the UWS Family Services Advocate

Resources from the UWS Family Services Advocate

The UWS Family Services team understands how difficult a crisis like this can be. Mental health can be a struggle; domestic abuse can be exacerbated; and school can be challenging for kids and parents. Not only that, but it can be difficult to stay active or even laugh when there is so much uncertainty in the world. Our team compiled a list of resources for military, veteran, and first responder families that might help. Read on to find out how you can be supported on topics like mental health, domestic abuse, your children’s school, exercise, entertainment, and specific resources in your community.
Mental Health
The Child Mind Institute has great information, regarding different situations people might be in. Autism and the coronavirus, supporting children and teenagers through the coronavirus, the importance of mindfulness with the pandemic, and many more. Read about some of those topics at this link:
Domestic Abuse
COVID-19 has been stressful for everyone, but it will have severely impacted those in domestic abuse situations. Here are organizations in different counties as resources for our spouses or anyone they know.
School At Home
Because of the COVID-19 crisis, schools have moved to virtual classrooms. Here are some resources to help you support your children as they navigate school at home:
Staying Active
Although gyms are closed, many of them are doing virtual classes or demonstrations to help keep families active. The YMCA is one of those gyms. Check out YMCA 360 for classes and programs you can take from the comfort of your home:
For Laughs
The Holderness Family does amazing parodies. This one is all about social distancing:
Various Resources
The Greenville County iMap allows you to input your address, choose the specific kind of resource you need (i.E., childcare, food, transportation) and look at your options. Check it out at this link: