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Warrior Wednesday: Pamela Adams

Warrior Wednesday: Pamela Adams

Today’s #WarriorWednesday is Pamela Adams!
Pamela served in the U.S. Navy Reserve as the Dental Technician and Hospital Corpsman from 1987-2016. Since retiring with deployments during OCONUS and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), she has been a business owner since 2015.
Pamela said, “What I enjoyed from the service that I incorporate into my life today is working with other people to get a mission/project completed. I realize how important it is to listen to other people who are a part of your team and work well together to get to the final goal.”
Speaking of goals, Pamela’s current goal is to stay involved in the military community. Pamela said, “It was difficult for me to step away after I hit high-yar tenure in my rate, but I found my way back by becoming the Ombudsman at the Reserve Center I drilled at for many years.”
Pamela mentioned she is also a part of a program with a local nonprofit organization to end homelessness among our military families by fundraising, raising awareness of chronic homelessness, and helping with the new construction of the homes the families are placed in. “Along with that, I volunteer with Greenville’s City Commissions, community leadership, historical preservation of neighborhood structures and stories with the city and other organizations,” said Pamela.
Additionally, she volunteers with the YMCA. She helps to deliver groceries to families who live in hotels, facilitate art programs for aspiring local adult artists, and more. Above all else, Pamela said, “I spend my time and energy with my family, exactly where my heart is.”